Audio-guided workouts


More muscle, less time


Dream physique


Start immediately

Your imaginary gymbro...

Welcome to Gymcast, we will be your imaginary gymbro guiding you through the workouts. We provide excellent guidance, motivation, and valuable tips. Simply start the podcast, and we will lead you through the exercises focusing on building muscle. With our audio-guided workouts, you can say goodbye to constantly checking your phone for music, exercise schedules, or rest timers. With the attached videos for visual support you can optionally use, it's like having a personal trainer wherever you go. Short on time? No worries! Our time-efficient workouts ensure you make the most of every minute. Use Gymcast today for free and start working on your dream physique. Let's build muscle, boost confidence, and achieve greatness together!

Ready to follow programs

Visual examples of the exercises

Keep track of the time

"Working out made us self-confident, it gave us a purpose and something to be proud of"